Category Archives: Danielle


Knitting in Bryant Park for Worldwide Knit in Public Day

Hi Everyone!  I’m Danielle, and I’m a fiber-holic.  I learned to crochet when I was little, but it didn’t really stick.  I started again in high school since it was a quiet hobby that I could do backstage at theatre events.  My grandma tried unsuccessfully to teach me to knit, and I was content with crochet, so I didn’t bother trying again for many years.  But all my friends knit, and I spent my college years watching them make lovely things.  Not that I thought my crochet projects were bad, but I really wanted to make socks!

Then I moved to Connecticut with my husband when he found a job and had to look for a new crafting group.  I found one through Ravelry, which I had joined in college after a friend sent me an invite to the beta.  I totally didn’t realize that there was more to it than a pattern database and a place to catalog your projects.  Silly me!  Those ladies also mostly knit, and it was them that told me there’s more than one way to go about it.  So I tried again, and I figured it out!  I was so happy.  🙂  Now I’ve made socks, a few sweaters, and even lace!  I do still crochet though, you can’t beat it for stuffed animals, and it sure is fast!

At the beginning of this year I wanted to join a 12-in-2012 group, but 12 shawls seemed like a lot, and I wasn’t sure if I was up for 12 sweaters.  Thankfully I found a group that was just 12… somethings in 2012.  I decided to go for 12 things I’d never done before, and so far I’m on track.  The ladies in the group are awesome, and we’ve become each others friends and cheerleaders.  We just finished up the Ravellenic Games as Team Back of the Bus, and I knit a whole sweater (with lace and cables!) and 20 hexipuffs!

I start my PhD in biochemistry/biophysics at the end of the month.  It is both exciting and scary, and I can’t wait.  The upcoming move forced me to acknowledge the size of my stash, and I have decided to go cold sheep except for Rhinebeck and Maryland Sheep and Wool.  I promise to keep you posted on how that goes!