Spinning a Purple Yarn (Part 1)

At the same time my Back of the Bus friends were working on breaking black, I determined that dyeing is probably not for me at this time – it is a little fussy and fiddly.  The house that we have recently moved into screams for antiques and other similarly styled objects.  The corner of the living room was occupied by a baby grand piano when the former owners lived here.  Being not musically inclined, I was not willing to move another baby grand in.  But what I thought would be perfect there was a Spinning Wheel!  A full-on, Sleeping Beauty type spinning wheel.

I was in love with the styling of the spinning wheel and how it would look in the corner of the room.  I also thought it would be a great tie in with my love of yarn and knitting.  I never really gave a lot of thought to whether it should be a working wheel or a really beautiful antique with ‘some parts missing’.  I set the 14 year old son who is addicted to EBay about finding me a spinning wheel.  He gave up when he saw how much they cost and how difficult it is to find a nice looking, working antique.

It was at this point that I started researching new, but still old looking, working wheels.  And the thought crossed my mind that perhaps if I had a spinning wheel in my house, I may actually use it.  This thought was spoken out loud in front of the 14 year old boy who promptly rolled his eyes and pronounced me a “Dork”.  Apparently, I am not a dork if it is used as decoration, but if it is a useful and decorative tool, then I have passed over some invisible threshold into Dork-dom.

At this point I took a step back to think about spinning my own yarn and how I would do this.  This post is but one in a series about my new foray into the art of spinning.  There will be more to follow.

3 responses to “Spinning a Purple Yarn (Part 1)

  1. Perhaps your son is the dork for not getting it. I am much more comfortable with this idea. But do be careful… Wheels are a slippery slope… I went in with visions of the classic myself, came out with a very modern girl (A Schacht Sidekick I call Millie) instead and then ended up buying a 2nd Saxony style wheel anyway! I think DORK is not exactly the word Mr.Me was coming up with. OOPS

  2. I’m beginning to believe every home needs a spinning wheel…and a dye stock pot/crock pot. Can’t wait to see your yarn winning blue ribbons at the KS state fair:) Hmmm, wonder if any of my aunts have spinning wheels stashed in their basements?

  3. So excited for you! All this talk has made me think that somewhere in my family, there exists a spinning wheel…I need to go rummage through some attics!

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